Finally, this blog actually looks like a blog. I think that there are more pictures than actual post on this thing. We need to change that. It kind of bugs me (it's Brady by the way). So lets just get to it and do blog stuff by talking about what we did today.
Brittany and I went and saw the movie 'When In Rome'. What a sucky experience that turned out to be. First off, Brittany won these free movie passes from Dove soaps and lotions online, and we were treated to up to $24 dollars of movie passes (but they had to be used in one transaction) and naturally we used it when tickets were the cheapest for a matinee. Of course.
So we originally had planned on seeing 'When In Rome' but when we got there Brittany was worried about how full the theater was, and it turned out that 'Dear John' was less full. Naturally, Brittany is wanting to get the best deal possible (either that or she just cannot make up her own mind without losing sleep on her decisions) and asked the ticket girl if she had seen both and which was better. Homegirl said that she liked Rome cause it was more light hearted and that was her style - but in the back of my mind I was not too sure about the advice this chick was giving us. We eventually pulled the trigger on 'Dear John' and made our way to our seats. Before we sat down Brittany went to see if Rome was really that full while I went in to our show. Obviously it wasn't and now I'm blogging about how fired up I am from watching such a stupid movie. We both were really bugged about it and it nearly ruined the night, luckily 6 Taco Time tacos and a JCW pastrami burger scarfed down in front of The Bachelor salvaged what it could.
Right now I think I just want to watch some of Step Brothers and call it a night, but Britdeezy is watching her beloved HGTV Property Virgins so I doubt that is gonna happen. Until next time faithful readers, we're chuckin the deuce.