Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sundance Stories. You want to see this.

For my internship with Vida Tequila I have worked at a few parties at the Sundance Film Festival up in Park City. Needless to say, it has been quite the experience.

Brady dropped me off at noon on Saturday. Right when I walked in, I was put to work. Guess who made the hors d'oevres? Thats right. I did! It was so weird. I made like frozen pizza rolls from Costco. Seriously? Ya. My boss was not in charge of this party. It ended up being alright.

Right after that lunch ended, we had to put together a dinner that Ben Affleck was hosting. I was working so hard!! I can't even tell you how much alcohol I moved up stairs and down stairs and just everywhere! It was pretty cool. The party started and I actually ran into Mr. Affleck himself. Yes, I got a picture with him. And yes, he is good looking in person. I got to eat dinner with him and the cast of his new movie: The Company Men.

The next party was hosted by Bill Murray. Do you know who he is? Yeah remember the movie "What About Bob?" That's him. I got to chat with him for about 10 minutes. We didn't get a picture because I felt awkward asking. He was a little out if it if you know what I mean. But he was way nice and really wanted me to go skiing? Weird.

Later that night, Brady was able to come to one of the parties. I was sooooo happy he could come!! I needed a friend. He came at 11 and then we just got to party with everyone! We danced and ate and drank free stuff and just had a ton of fun. Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures.

We got home at 3 AM!!!!!! I was there for 14 hours and working for probably 11. It was so exhausting, but worth it. I had to be back in Park City at 9 am the next day. It has been snowing super bad so it takes like an hour and 15 minutes to get there. I wanted to leave at 7:45 am but accidentally set my alarm for 7:45. That's what happens when you are so tired.

I worked a brunch on Sunday morning for Robert Duvall. He was Vince Vaugn's dad on Four Christmases and a lot of other movies. Check him out.

I was checking people in for the brunch and I checked in Tom Arnold and asked him his name. Do you know who he is? I didn't until a few girls were freaking out inside when they saw him haha. He is a comedian.

Okay I am sick of writing about the people who were there so I am just going to post their picture haha.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (500 Days of Summer)

Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl)

Kristen Steward (Twilight)
I was invited to work at a party for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes last night, but I was too tired and the party was from 10 pm -2 am.
That's not great when you have work at 8 am the next day.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Couple Survey

I was bored and I secretly like doing stuff like this haha!

What are your middle names?

Brittany Anne Fish and Brady is actually his middle name...Paul Brady Fish

How long have you been together?

It was off an on for a while, but since the last "on" it has been a year and half!

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

When we started dating seriously we had known eachother for a year and a couple months.

Who asked who out?

Brady was always asking me out haha

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Well its never all of our siblings at the same time...we see Emily and his family about equal amount of time...probably Emily more though.

Do you have any children together?

Nope...not for another couple of years :)

What about pets?

Brady wants 2 huge dogs and I want a yorkie. We can't agree so we will probably just never get one haha

Did you go to the same school?


Who is the most sensitive?


Where do you eat out most as a couple?

We don't really eat out much, but when we do we really love Goodwood

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple?

That's a toss up between NYC and Cabo

Who has the worst temper?


Who does the cooking? Brittany

Who is more social?

We are both social, but I am more outgoing. We just like hanging out with eachother mostly.

Who is the neat freak?

Neither of us...but we both like a clean house so we try our hardest

Who is the most stubborn?


Who hogs the bed?

We both think the other person is guilty

Who wakes up earlier?


Where was your first date?

Well we had hung out a ton before our first offical I guess it was Tucanos

Who has the bigger family?


Do you get flowers often?

When we were dating I did more often

Who eats more?

Depends on the day and the meal, but usually Brady

Who sings better?

Brady for sure!! He is great at singing the bass in church.

Who does the laundry?


Who is better with the computer?


Who drives when you are together?


Who picks where you go to dinner?

Like I said...we don't really go to dinner haha

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong?


Who wears the pants in the relationship?

I try to act like I do, but we really are both wearing one leg each

Who eats more sweets?

Brady for sure!! He is addicted to candy.

Who cries more?

Brittany x 1000

What's your best day together?

May 15, 2009

Where did you honeymoon?

Cruise to mexico

Favorite date night?

Dinner and a movie :)

Favorite TV show to watch together?


I love you Brady!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The New Year!!

I can't believe I haven't posted since Halloween!! Well actually I kind of can because last semester was rediculously busy!! This semester is much better. I honestly can't wait for summer to be here. It seems like it has been winter for a year already. I'm sick of waking up when it is still dark and having the sun go down at 5:00. Not fun! Anyway, for Christmas we were down in Arizona and it was so great!! The weather was awesome and we did a lot of fun things with my family. We weren't able to drive back when we were planning because it just kept storming in southern Utah, so we took advantage of that and went to our cabin so Brady could go snowboarding with my mom, Shelley, Chase and Davis. I stayed in the "lodge." It wasn't much of a lodge....but it was fun! When we came back to Utah, Brady's brother Todd was in town from Washington so we went to Heber almost every day! We spent New Years with his family and had a fun time. I was ready for school to start again, just so it can BE OVER and I can finally GRADUATE in APRIL!! WOO HOO!!! Also, I cut my hair.